My dear friends...
We have been discussing in this space something that I have called The Holy Experience. And this week I want to share with you that I observe the quality of my life increasing exponentially when I am willing to be vulnerable, close, and naked—as opposed to being totally invulnerable, closed off, and always having my backside covered.
I find that when I am close to another, I am close to myself. I find that when I am ready to share intimacy, authenticity, the Real Me...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale...I just read your newsletter on being 'aware' instead of having 'faith'. It's deep. I don't know what to think of it. I can feel its truth, but the mind needs to wrap itself around this truth.
Please know that when I come across such a topic and I feel I need to read and re-read the article until the message seeps into me, I cannot move on with another article without quite 'getting' the previous.
I do really value your newsletters and it's the closest someone...
My dear friends...
We have been exploring here what I have called The Holy Experience, and how to create it in one’s life. There are a number of tools that I have found with which one may do this, and over the past many weeks we have been exploring them one by one. Last week we looked at Tool #10, Service. Today, we invite you to pick up the tool of Discipline.
I see this tool being used in two ways. First, as a means of forming and shaping my own day-to-day experience of life, so...
Reader Question:
Dear NEALE...Hey. I have a question about something you wrote...
You say, "CWG calls DNA our Divine Natural Awareness. It is the coding that, if we follow it, leads us to our expression and experience of Divinity---in us, through us, as us."
You also say, "life is not a process of discovery, it is a process of creation." It is not ours to "discover" Who We Are, it is ours to "create" Who We Are.
So, I am confused. Do we 'follow' our Divine Coding? ...
My dear friends...
We have been exploring here what I have called The Holy Experience, and how to create it in one’s life. There are a number of tools that I have found with which one may do this, and over the past many weeks we have been exploring them one by one. This week, a look at Tool #10: Service & Discipline.
When I was a younger man I had a great sadness. A woman with whom I was engaged to be married decided that she didn’t want to marry me after all. She broke off...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale,
For some time I have been considering adding myself to your no doubt large number of correspondents, to let you know how your writings have helped to change my life. The knowledge and understanding derived from your work have answered for me questions which had puzzled me almost since childhood, and later led me into a (fairly) serene old age. (I am now in my late 70s and have 80 in my sights!)
I hope I will not bore you with this potted biography, but it may...
My dear friends...
Last week we discussed in this space Movement as a tool in the creation of The Holy Experience. We also promised that this week we would explore yet one more tool: Ritual. Let’s look at that now.
The dictionary defines ritual as a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone, often according to a prescribed order.
Rituals are patterns of ordered living. By their nature they move us into non-awareness by their autonomic forms....
Reader Question:
Hello, Neale. It is truly an inspiration to see that you are touching lives with your books and with the CwG movie. However, what brings me here today on your website and why I am e-mailing you is that I am severely depressed and I am going through some tough times. I don't know what else to do.
I am constantly looking for advice as to how I can start living my life. I had established a relationship with God 4 months ago and I've been learning a lot. I want to be able to...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale...While at work this afternoon i was listening to archives of your previous tele-classes and listened to a lot of talk about giving. When you give you receive back so much more and of course I do believe this, and even if I weren't to believe this, something in me still wants so much to give all that I can of myself, resources, time and money.
At the same time the past couple nights I was sitting here reviewing my own personal financial situation and realized I...
Every week we present a new bulletin written by Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch. Once you've signed up you will be sent CWG related emails and a notification whenever the newest bulletin is available.