Dear Neale, What happens to us after death ? And Question 2: Is the Bible true? What parts of it can we believe ? Thank you.
Neale Responds
My dear friend...I have written an entire book that proposes an answer to your question. The question itself is enormous, and the answer cannot be given in one simple 3 or 4-paragraph response. That is why I was given an entire book in response to the desire of all human beings to know what happens after we experience our Continuation Day. The book is...
My dear friends...
As you know, we have been discussing here the moments in life that I have called The Holy Experience. And in last week’s installment I said that there are ten instruments by which any person may have such an experience. I said that the Ten Instruments are divided into two types: Physical Tools (described fully in the preceding chapter) and Spiritual Tools (which I will describe here). I have alternately called these two types The Five Tools of Awareness, and The Five...
Dear Neale, My desire is to help heal the world and live a life of love, happiness, and abundance. What do I need to do to accomplish this?
Neale Responds
Dear Friend...Conversations with God tells us that the fastest way to achieve or acquire or accomplish something for ourselves is to help another to achieve or acquire or accomplish the same thing. What you wish to experience, cause another to experience. Be The Source.
The first step for you, then, will be to BE Love, Happiness, and...
My dear friends...
Last week we continued our exploration of The Holy Experience by focusing on the fifth tool with which we can achieve this, the tool of explaining. This is when we explain to others what we have come to understand as a result of using the first four tools.
We continue our look at that tool this week.
It has been said that we teach what we choose to learn. I choose to learn more and more about how the Universe works, about Divinity and the Essence of all of life, about the...
Dear Neale...After seeing you talk in Miami, I left with a couple of questions. I figured it would be best to ask. When you mentioned that one has the choice of being the receiver or the giver of whatever one wants in one's life, I can understand how if I want more love or compassion, I give love and compassion to others. But what about when it comes to health or in relationships--as in a partner. How does this manifest? What needs to be given to find or have good health, or a life partner? I...
As you know, we have been embarked on a wonderful journey here in the Weekly Bulletin, exploring what I have called The Holy Experience.
This week we return to our look at The Holy Experience. As you know if you have been reading along, we have been listing the several tools that I have discovered can make it possible for each of us to take in order to enter into such an experience. Over the most recent weeks we have explored steps 1-4.
The fifth tool on the path to the Holy...
Dear Neale...First of all, congratulations for your very important work! Here is my question: How many person told you that he/she has been part of the very same process and goal that you are part of? That is, God has passed the information for years in order to prepare for a kind of a mission. I think, Neale, you gave them the foundations, you showed an example. And that is great! :) What is your advice and message for these people and truly how can you help them? Love, Zoltan
Last week in this space we spoke about how the opinions and observations of us offered by others can "run" our life, actually creating, in a way, our experience of ourselves. I talked about how this happened to me...and about how, finally, I broke out of that trap through deep personal exploration.
I had gathered much from my explorations. I gathered much from all those books, retreats, religions, seminars, and sacred interactions with others that I have spoken of here in weeks past. But...
Last week in this space I told you about how a wonderful teacher of mine, Terry Cole-Whittaker, once helped me understand what my resistance was to embracing a new truth, my own truth, about something.
"Who would you have to 'make wrong' in order to accept what you know to be true inside of you?" she asked. In one case it was my father. In another case, it was my mother. In still another case it was my favorite childhood teacher. Rather than make them "wrong," I held onto their truth, clung...
Dear Neale...Firstly I would like to say that I love your books, it is the first model of the divine that makes sense to me. I was raised Christian and I find the idea that God is a jealous, wrathful, judgmental God that requires salvation through strange, incomprehensible technicalities to be very distasteful. My question relates to Jesus and things he said.
In your books you claim he was a fully self-realized human. I believe this far more than the Christian 'son of god - exclusive bridge...
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