Are holy scriptures infallible?

My dear friends...

In Friendship with God I asked a very direct question --- and received a very direct answer. I would like to share with you that exchange...

Can’t You say something about gays? I have been asked over and over again, at lectures and appearances and retreats all over the world: won’t You say something to end once and for all the violence and cruelty and discrimination against gays? So much of it is done in Your name. So much of it is said to be justified by Your...

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At least once in your life

My dear friends...

For the past many weeks we have been speaking here about The Holy Experience. I want to invite you to avoid developing preconceived notions about what that Experience is all about, or what it is supposed to “look like.”

It may not be about feeling “filled with the light” or “warm all over” or “One With The Universe.” It could be about that, but it also may not be.

It may not be about only speaking softly and always moving...

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A Letter to Neale: What matters is What One Desires

Reader question:

Dear Neale...In The Only Thing That Matters you wrote that the top priority in our lives should be “what one desires.” Do you really think that god really is concerned with What One Desires? Look at cosmos and what a tiny speck each one of us is with our so serious concerns and desires. Volcanoes, black holes exploding stars etc and Microdot Mike I don't understand how any of us is so significant to god. I do not assign you responsibility for convincing me...

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Secret of happy relationships

My dear friends...

I spoke in this space last week about the fact that loneliness is the biggest social issue on our planet today. I said that we’ve been living in a world of increasing isolation, where extended families have been disappearing and the opportunities for closeness with others have been vanishing. The sudden rise and almost addictive use of social networking sites on the Internet by millions around the globe is, without doubt, humanity’s collective compensatory...

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A Letter to Neale: What should our political duties be?

Reader question:

Dear Neale...Can you suggest what, as a world or national citizen, our political duties should be?

Neale Responds:

In the eyes of God, my friend, there is no such thing as "should." There are some things in the political realm that national citizens are invited to do...and indeed, I wrote an entire book about them. They are far too numerous to place in a one or two paragraph answer here.

May I suggest you read the book The Storm Before the Calm? You will find it posted by...

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A Letter to Neale: Does God malign psychics?

Reader question:

Dear Neale.. I recently listened to Book 3 where God is saying that mediums and channeling the other side is pretty much fraudulent and useless. I've been a medium for over 30 years, bona fide, honest and convinced that I am bringing a useful, and sometimes priceless service to people who have lost their loved ones and need comfort, assurance of life after death, and the knowledge that their loved ones are always with them. Why is my channeling of this information so...

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Vulnerable, close, and naked

My dear friends...

We have been discussing in this space something that I have called The Holy Experience. And this week I want to share with you that I observe the quality of my life increasing exponentially when I am willing to be vulnerable, close, and naked—as opposed to being totally invulnerable, closed off, and always having my backside covered.

I find that when I am close to another, I am close to myself. I find that when I am ready to share intimacy, authenticity, the Real...

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Do you have discipline?

My dear friends...

We have been exploring here what I have called The Holy Experience, and how to create it in one’s life. There are a number of tools that I have found with which one may do this, and over the past many weeks we have been exploring them one by one. Last week we looked at Tool #10, Service. Today, we invite you to pick up the tool of Discipline.

I see this tool being used in two ways. First, as a means of forming and shaping my own day-to-day experience of life, so...

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A Letter to Neale: I don’t want Afterlife surprises...

Reader question:

Dear Neale.. I was a liberal wing Swedenborgian back in the 90's. In 1758, in one of his revelations he said came from God (sound like anyone ), he wrote a very definite book account of visiting Heaven and Hell. He said God is never angry, is love itself, and never sentences anyone to hell --- but he said there is one. "Anyone can enter heaven. However as soon as an evil person inhales the air there, they have excruciating torment, so they quickly shun it and escape to...

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A Letter to Neale: Is God just fooling himself?

Reader question:

Dear Neale.. One question I've had about reading the CWG books is this. If everything is all one (which I believe it is) then how is God really experiencing anything? For instance, how do we form relationships, or intimate relationships, if we're all the same thing? Is Free Will just an illusion then? Considering that everything is God, isn’t it God's will and not ours? How does God love "us" as his/her children when it knows it is exactly that. Isn't everything you...

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