A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...What do you believe happens when a person or soul commits suicide? ...Have heard it's the only unforgivable sin...Really like to know if someone is that unhappy here if they will be punished. Is our God that unforgiving? Becky.


Neale Responds

My dear Becky...A very complete answer to your question has been given us in the extraordinary book HOME WITH GOD in a Life That Never Ends. I encourage you with all my heart to read that if you are truly wanting a...

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Your life is not about you

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I said that there is a reason that taking the focus off of myself and placing on others has worked so effectively in changing my life, and I promised that I would continue that discussion this week.

The reason is that there's no such thing as "other" people. Everyone else is me. We are all one.

Separation is an illusion. No one is separate from anyone else. Therefore, what I do for you I do for me, and what I fail to do for you, I fail to do for...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... I am new to CwG, having read Book 1 twice. I am relieved, excited, and grateful for the beautiful conversations. In light of that, how do I come to terms with the fact that my husband is not relieved, excited, and/or grateful as he has no interest in reading them? I so want to share this with someone--it would be nice if it was him. How do I honor his path? I'm not sure it is appropriate to "pray him into it," is it? It is also difficult to discuss this...

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Why can't I be happy?

My dear friends...

The most amazing message I ever received in the Conversations with God dialogue consisted of six words. In just a half dozen sounds I was given everything I needed to know about the experience I was having on the earth.

I was in a deep place of wondering why, up to that point, my life was not bringing me the happiness I was seeking, even though I was almost always doing work that I loved to do, being with significant others that I loved to be with, and enjoying a family...

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No such thing as Right & Wrong?

My dear friends...

One of the most controversial concepts in the messages of CwG is the idea that there is no absolute right and no absolute wrong in God’s universe.

The human mind finds this difficult to accept. If there is no absolute right, how can we know when we are on the path to God? By what measure shall we estimate our progress? By what determination shall we know what our actions should be in any given circumstance? How shall we create our laws? What shall constitute our...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

I'm at a low point in my life right now. I seem to be paralyzed in my fear. Nothing I try to do is working for me. How does one have faith, when nothing seems to be working? I have read and re-read your book, Conversations with God. I love your book.

I believe everything God has said to you. I am trying to change my thoughts to positive thoughts, but my fears and doubts get in the way. I tried to write to God on paper, but He seems silent to me. Yet I know He is talking to...

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The Prison Outreach Program

The mission of the Prison Outreach Program, is to share the message of the Conversations with God books with people in jails and prisons, places of darkness where its light is most needed. We all dream of a better world, a place of peace and safety where we would all be free to become our next highest version of our Selves. It is our goal to empower prisoners to live the CwG message so that they can become the next highest version of themselves and, by doing so, effect change in their...
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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale......I read somewhere in the CWG books about something called The Be-Do-Have Paradigm. Can you explain to me what this is? I have a feeling that it is important, but I might have glanced over it when I first read about it, and now I can't find it in my CWG books. I've been searching and can't seem to locate it in the dialogue.

Neale Responds

The "Be-Do-Have Paradigm" is a way of looking at life. It is nothing more or less than that. Yet this way of looking at...

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Where does time go?

My dear friends...

I am struck again by how fast the years of our lives go by. I am, to be honest, utterly amazed that we are already over half way through this year. I can’t imagine where this time went...

What I am clear about is that the days of our lives blow past very swiftly --- and that what used to feel like longer moments within those days seem now like only nanoseconds.

To me, this means that I am being invited by Life Itself to use every single solitary moment to create...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale.....I was reading the CWG books on fear and ridding fear. And it said that you should just "decide" not to have the fear anymore but, could you explain how you "decide" not to have fear? Especially, cos some people can get really scared and have panic attacks and that. I don't understand how you can let go like that. Haven't some people tried and tried to decide to be fearless but failed? So could you expand on deciding to let go of fear? Does the CWG material...

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