Neale Talks About Sadness and Mourning...

My dear friends...

Nothing is evil lest thinking make it so.

Shakespeare wrote that, and the world has been proving it again and again.

A while back, there was a big brouhaha over something that Pope Benedict XVI said. Some people perceived his remarks as an insult to Islam, and thus, as damaging. The Pope's comments were damaging...but not because they were an insult to Islam. His words were, in fact, historically accurate. They were damaging for another reason altogether.


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Neale Talks About the Full Me...

My dear friends...

There is much talk these days about enlightenment , and the path to Self-Awareness. I am sure that this is why all the data on this subject have been racing around my mind for many months prior to writing the present material.

Now for many of the past several weeks here in the Bulletin  I have been talking about "enlargement" as the Second Major Step on the Path to Self-Awareness, and I would like to explain that by "enlargement" I mean an expanding sense of Self,...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch…A while back I was present at a weekend intensive in Rilland, in The Netherlands.  I'm writing to say that I found your presentation and explanation about what God wants and what my goal in life is inspiring and true.

Your teachings will be a guideline for me how to take even more control over my life and create the person and being I want to be.  Thank you for that. 

There is one question I want to ask you but I did not find appropriate time for during...

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Neale Talks About How to Receive What You Want...

My dear friends...

We have been talking on and off here about the Path to Self-Awareness, and most recently about the Second Step on that path: Enlargement. This week I would like to take a look at how we may go about achieving Enlargement. One way, at least.  

I see a three-part approach here. First, cause another to have the experience. Second, step into the experience yourself fully, even if only for a moment. Third, savor the experience in memory, where all miracles reside.


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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale...When I am discussing my beliefs with others, that are centered around the CwG teachings, I find it very difficult to get the point across that there is no separation between us and God, or each other. People have a very hard time accepting that, and I am finding it increasingly challenging to explain it in a matter which makes sense. Although I have read the books many times, and it makes perfect sense to me, is there an easier way to help others see this alternative view?


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Neale Talks About Wanting...

My dear friends...

"Wanting" something is not a good thing to do, because it produces the experience of "not having" what you choose.

Let me explain.

Your every thought, word and deed is creative. Now, if you have a thought of "wanting" something, you will produce that thought in your experience. That is, you will see that very thought made manifest in your reality.

Therefore, if you think "I want" something, that is the experience you will have: the experience of wanting it!

On the other...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

My fiancé, Jeff, lost his brother at 18 (accidental gunshot).  Jeff has been grieving for 18 years and is still full of rage and resentment at the loss.  He is happy for Jerry (his brother) at his release from this life, but he is still angry at not having his brother to share his life with.  What can I say to help Jeff be free of his anger and realize the peace, love and joy that his brother is experiencing?  Thank you and God Bless. 



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A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch,

Thank you for your wonderful books. I have one question. It concerns the story in the Bible where Jesus curses the fig tree because it doesn't bear fruit. I don't understand why he would do this, because it also says that it wasn't the season for the tree to bear figs. The fig tree example must be there for a reason, but what?

For a long time this story has seemed to represent to me what seems a certain capriciousness on the part of Jesus/God, which perhaps refers to how man...

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Neale Talks About Sustaining Spiritual Growth...

My dear friends...

There is a tendency to dismiss the experience of Self-Awareness if it is not both immediate and eternal.   In actual practice it is most often neither.  

One rarely finds one's way to Self-Awareness with the first step on the journey (this is not impossible, mind you, but it is rare), and one rarely remains in this place the first time one arrives there.   One wants to , but one rarely does.   So much is calling us back.   So much is pulling us,...

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Neale Talks About - God’s Unconditional Love...

My dear friends...

Nearly every Holy Scripture of nearly every one of the world's exclusivist organized religions contains passages that describe a God of anger, of judgment, and of retribution.

Do you remember what happened to the Israelites who worshipped the golden calf? Were not 3,000 of them slaughtered by the Levites at God's command?   Did God not instruct you in Exodus   32:27 to "take every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp,...

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