Concluding thoughts about ‘yearning’

My dear friends...

We spoke in this space last week about the energy we call “yearning,” and we concluded the column by saying...

“Ultimately, yearning for Divinity leads to the Holy Experience, for yearning always produces the experience for which it yearns.”

Let’s continue that thought this week...

One cannot yearn for something that one does not think exists—or at least can exist. Nor can one yearn for something that one knows not of. Worms cannot...

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A Letter to Neale: Can a person be ‘too rich’?

Reader question:

Dear Neale.. I remember in your book, I think it was the transcript of a talk you gave on abundance, you made the comment that you were wearing expensive Italian shoes, and that it took you a long time to be comfortable with wearing shoes that cost that much. I know I have some work to do in the area of lack and abundance. I work a lot with the poor and the homeless.

Last year I went to Nicaragua, where we fed a meal to families and children who scrounge through...

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What chakras are for

My dear friends...

Did you know that the chakras of the body have a function and a purpose that most people do not understand? Last week in this space we took our first look at the human experience of “yearning” as a tool of awareness. Our exploration of this continues this week by describing this sensation in a way that opens the door to a larger understanding of the use and function, purpose and role of your body’s chakra centers. We have heard much about these centers in...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... Some terrible things have happened and are happening on the earth — and some not very nice things have happened in my life. My question is this: Why am I creating this? If I am the creator of my own reality, producing the events of my own life, why am I doing this? This is important to me, so thanks for answering. Michael in North Carolina.

Neale Responds:

Dear New Friend...The first thing I want to say to you, Michael, is that you did not create the...

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Yearning’ is a tool of awareness

My dear friends...

Did you know that even when your Soul is physicalized (that is, living with a physical body) it embarks upon a spiritual journey—often without you knowing it? You may not be consciously aware that you are having a spiritual encounter, but you are.

On the other hand, it is possible for you to produce such an encounter with full conscious intention. That is what the Spiritual Steps into Non-Awareness of the world are all about. So we are picking up here where we left...

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A Letter to Neale: Can we really ‘need nothing’?

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... In your books God states that we need nothing. It's a wonderful idea. When we need nothing then we are truly free of cares and anxiety. We have peace of mind. But is it realistic? Yes, I can see how we need nothing to exist. Life continues forever. I have no fear of death. From all accounts death is a wonderful experience. But there are many more horrible things than death like slowly starving and living homeless, which you've had experience with. How can...

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How to be a fully realized person

My dear friends...

I spoke here last week about Ten Instruments that have helped many people build a platform for, or create a path to, The Holy Experience. To continue in my explanation of that, let me say that these steps include the Physical Tools leading to Awareness of the World (yearning, willing, exploring, embracing, explaining) and the Spiritual Tools leading to Non-Awareness of, or detachment from, the world (sound, visualization, movement, ritual, discipline).

By Physical Tools I...

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A Letter to Neale: Is there something ‘greater than God’?

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... In book 1 of CWG God says that just as we are the body of God, God is the body of another! This seems to say there is something greater than God. This does not seem to have been delved into further. Can you explain this further?

Neale Responds

Lynn, my reading of it does not produce the conclusion that "there is something greater than God," but rather, that God is greater than the something that we think God is.

Think of a particle of matter. How...

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10 Tools Creating The Holy Experience

My dear friends...

As you know if you are a regular reader of The Weekly Bulletin, we have been exploring now for many months an encounter with Life that I have called The Holy Experience. Through the years many people have written to me asking about how they might have such an experience.

This week I want to share with you that I seem to have stumbled upon Ten Instruments or tools with which one might build a platform, or an environment, for the Holy Experience. That’s the best way...

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A Letter to Neale: Are we born with a ‘path’ to follow?

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...Thanks so much for the opportunity you have given here to clear up some confusion. I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times before but I'd like to say that many books have impacted deeply on my mind and heart but yours were the first to resonate with my soul.

If I understand CwG correctly our purpose in life is simply(?) to be the next grandest version of ourselves we can be, and we create our own direct purpose on earth (consciously or unconsciously)...

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