You do not create alone

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I said that a message that for many years spiritual teachers have been sharing—that “you are creating your own reality”—can be a dangerous teaching if it is not fully explained. I also said that there are two things you must know about the “you create your own reality” teaching:

(1) First, it must be explained (as we have done several times here now) that you are not “creating” anything, but merely...

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A Letter to Neale: Why am I creating this?

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... Some terrible things have happened and are happening on the earth—and some not very nice things have happened in my life. My question is this: Why am I creating this? If I am the creator of my own reality, producing the events of my own life, why am I doing this? This is important to me, so thanks for answering. Michael in North Carolina.

Neale Responds

Dear New Friend...The first thing I want to say to you, Michael, is that you did not create the...

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A dangerous spiritual teaching

My dear friends...

The message that for many years spiritual teachers have been sharing—that “you are creating your own reality”—can be a dangerous teaching if it is not fully explained.

There are two things you must know about the “you create your own reality” teaching:

     (1) First, it must be explained (as we have done several times here now) that you are not “creating” anything, but merely noticing or...

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A Letter to Neale: Do all thoughts manifest as reality?

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...I was wondering how powerful you consider manifestation to be when thinking a thought that is not necessarily wanted—say, for instance, a fear of something happening. This fear of something happening is niggling inside the mind and is hard to get rid of. What I have interpreted from CWG and other sources teaching about manifestation is that even though this thought comes into the mind and may stay there, another thought can be chosen i.e. to choose another...

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Victim or Co-Creator?

My dear friends...

I made the point here last week that in the world of Duality Thinking (which is the world in which most of us live), you could imagine that somebody else is “doing something” to you, or that some seemingly uncontrollable outward condition has been encountered by you, without you having had anything to do with it. Let me go on this week to say that such a thing is impossible, given that Duality is not the Reality, yet in the world of our illusion such...

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A Letter to Neale: What does the future hold?

Reader Question:

 NOTE: The following letter was written to Neale several years ago. We are deliberately re-printing it now to place all the fears that were expressed here into context --- and to help any person who may still have big fears about “2021”.

Dear Neale...I was at one of your workshops and I loved it! I've been going to other workshops and I've found some things that even that they're not supposed to be scary, they did scare me. One of them was that I went to...

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You are co-creating life's events

My dear friends...

Here in the Bulletin we have been exploring the nature of the events of life that appear in our reality every day. It is sometimes assumed that you have no control over exterior conditions, circumstances, or events--and I know that it can very often feel that way--but, in truth, you are co-creating them with others in your life--remembering, of course, as I have mentioned in previous weeks, how we are using the word "create" as a synonym for remember.

(To recap: When you...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... I just saw the movie based on your book and I cried so hard for the situation you were in (making eye contact with a young boy while leaning up against a dumpster eating a sandwich). I, too, was raised Roman Catholic and left the church in search of truth. I became a non-denominational Christian. I still find many people do not understand the depth of my love for people It is not from me, but from God.

I started a ministry called "God's kitchen" feeding...

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Events and Experience are not the same

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I mentioned that all of us are "choosing to have" all of the experiences that we are having, moment-to-moment. For some, this is hard to believe. Why in the world would we choose some of those worst events of our lives?

To begin to grasp the idea above, it is important for us to remember that an Experience and an Event are not the same thing. An "Event" is something that is occurring in your exterior environment. All Events are co-created by the...

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A Letter to Neale: Can you change a Sponsoring Thought?

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...I don't know why I need to ask questions if the answers are all within us. I have lived a life of a villain and a victim. Please don't delete this email, I need some help!

I need to know how to get to the roots of thoughts. I know that I have to read and re-read the CwG Trilogy again and again. I grew up in an alcoholic home and became an alcoholic myself. However, I am 12 years sober and I love that I am sober.

I have always felt God and I know God is...

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