Love being love and being loving

My dear friends...

Love is a Natural Emotion. When it is allowed to be expressed, and received by a child, normally and naturally, without limitation or condition, inhibition or embarrassment, it does not require anything more. For the joy of love expressed and received in this way is sufficient unto itself. Yet love which has been conditioned, limited, warped by rules and regulations, rituals and restrictions, controlled, manipulated, and withheld, becomes unnatural.

Children who are made...

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Embrace what you have discovered

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we spoke about how the opinions and observations of us offered by others can "run" our life, actually creating, in a way, our experience of ourselves. I talked about how this happened to me...and about how, finally, I broke out of that trap through deep personal exploration.

I had gathered much from my explorations. I gathered much from all those books, retreats, religions, seminars, and sacred interactions with others that I have spoken of here in...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... First of all, congratulations for your very important work! Here is my question: How many person told you that he/she has been part of the very same process and goal that you are part of? That is, God has passed the information for years in order to prepare for a kind of a mission. I think, Neale, you gave them the foundations, you showed an example. And that is great! :) What is your advice and message for these people and truly how can you help them?...

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Living out other people's beliefs

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I told you about how a wonderful teacher of mine, Terry Cole-Whittaker, once helped me understand what my resistance was to embracing a new truth, my own truth, about something.

"Who would you have to 'make wrong' in order to accept what you know to be true inside of you?" she asked. In one case it was my father. In another case, it was my mother. In still another case it was my favorite childhood teacher. Rather than make them "wrong," I held onto...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... Firstly I would like to say that I love your books, it is the first model of the divine that makes sense to me. I was raised Christian and I find the idea that God is a jealous, wrathful, judgmental God that requires salvation through strange, incomprehensible technicalities to be very distasteful. My question relates to Jesus and things he said.

In your books you claim he was a fully self-realized human. I believe this far more than the Christian 'son...

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The Prison Outreach Program

The mission of the Prison Outreach Program, is to share the message of the Conversations with God books with people in jails and prisons, places of darkness where its light is most needed. We all dream of a better world, a place of peace and safety where we would all be free to become our next highest version of our Selves. It is our goal to empower prisoners to live the CwG message so that they can become the next highest version of themselves and, by doing so, effect change in their...
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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I would appreciate your thoughts on the following. Awakening and our spiritual journey towards growth is amazing. Not easy though. There is something I feel confused about...well not the only one of them.

When I spoke to God and said please I want you to teach me the truth (because religion didn't do it for me), it was and is still being answered according to the spiritual journey I'm supposed to be on, which is amazing because it...

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Is your truth different?

My dear friends...

Knowing something and accepting it are two different things. I discovered this when I finished (or thought I had finished) my exploring. "Exploring," you will remember from our previous weeks' discussion here in the Bulletin, is Tool #3 in my creation of The Holy Experience. Today, we're going to discuss Tool #4: "Embracing." This is about truly embracing a new idea about everything--who I am, who God is, why we are here...everything.

I had spent years looking at many...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... If we reincarnate, how can our loved ones receive and guide us when we die? A loving friend.


Neale Responds:

Dear "Loving" -- Your question assumes that the Soul exists in only one place at one time. But Conversations with God tells us that the Soul can and does exist in more than one place at a single Time.

Time and Space are, in fact, illusions, according to CWG. I am clear, then, that as a practical matter the soul of my mother can offer me...

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The end is the beginning

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we said that the exploration of Divinity never ends—because Divinity Itself is endless. It is eternal and limitless and it expands the moment Its awareness of Itself is complete.

I would like to explain that further here today.

In a sense, Full Awareness is never possible, only the Illusion of it. In the moment we imagine our Selves to be Fully Aware, we become Aware that there is more of which to become Aware—for Who is The One who...

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