A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I recently let my insecurities get the better of me and let in Fear. I have realised that fear is like a computer virus; let it in, and it destroys everything you have achieved so far.

Sometimes it is very hard to "think what love would do now" when in the depths of despair, but it helps to think of Love as a virus checker, destroying the Fear virus and recovering all that you thought you had lost,

love from,



Neale Responds

Good for you, Hazel.

That is a huge...

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Neale Talks About God Not Caring

My dear friends...

I was in Tokyo some time back talking about God.

Incredible, wonderful, marvelous discussion. Three hundred-plus in the audience. Not a one of them looked bored, or "out of it." Everybody was paying rapt attention. Many asked incisive, important questions.

At one point I was describing God in this way:

"God is not a Super Being in the Sky, with the same proclivities and emotional needs as human beings, including the need for love and for revenge when love is betrayed or not...

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Neale Talks About the System Called 'Life'

My dear friends...

Life IS a System, and there is a way to go about changing your life, improving your life, systematically. This "way" is what some people have called... The Secret.

If I consider everything around me as pure energy (which is surely what everything is), I begin to sensitize myself to how all of the energies in my surrounding environment are interacting with each other -- and how they are interacting with ME.

I have discovered that it is possible to become acutely aware...

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A Letter to Neale

Hi, Mr. Walsch...

I have read and been taught by metaphysical teachers that Karma plays a large part in the life we choose and the physical body we have chosen to live and experience our lessons through. Sometimes people are born blind or without limbs or other disfigurements because of some act they have done in the past to others to cause them to be blinded or lose limbs etc.

 God says people act and do the things they do based on their view of their world, so is there no right or...

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The Prison Outreach Program

The mission of the Prison Outreach Program, is to share the message of the Conversations with God books with people in jails and prisons, places of darkness where its light is most needed. We all dream of a better world, a place of peace and safety where we would all be free to become our next highest version of our Selves. It is our goal to empower prisoners to live the CwG message so that they can become the next highest version of themselves and, by doing so, effect change in their...
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Neale Talks About the Tool of Tools...

My dear friends...

In What God Wants , we are told about "the Tool of Tools," a two-layer mechanism for dealing with life that can change everything in your personal experience overnight.

  The Tool of Tools is a two-step process bringing an individual to a place of mastery. It all has to do with how a person handles her or his feelings.

  What God Wants tells us that "The first level of mastery is to consciously decide how you choose to feel about a certain thing. The second level...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale...

I read your
CwG books last summer. I bought Friendship with God about 2 months ago. I am looking forward to reading WHAT GOD WANTS .

I was thinking about the question regarding animals - pets when they pass away. I had a cat for almost 15 yrs. He had to be put to sleep almost 2 years ago. I think about him so much. I also had a dog that had to be put to sleep 2 months after the cat. Then last April another cat of mine was killed by a dog that shook him to death.

I believe we...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I just finished reading
CwG, Book 3.. Wow! This is the best book of all! The best part was the last fifth of the book, which talked about HEBs. Do you really believe that there are such things? Will we ever be able to have a life such as the ones they live?

Eleanore, WA. 


Neale Responds

Dear Eleanore,

I think you may be right. CwG, Book 3 may just be one of the very best in the series. Certainly the information there is extremely compelling. But perhaps we should...

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Neale Talks About Speaking 'as God'

My dear friends...

I remember that a few days after Communion with God -- a book written entirely from God's point of view in a first-person voice -- hit the bookstores, reporters began calling me for interviews, and many of them led with the same question:

How can you claim to be speaking in the first person voice of God? Isn't that just a bit presumptuous?

It's a fair question. While I am not the first person to have produced such a book (far from it, in fact), inquiring minds still...

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Neale Talks About when to first have sex...too late, you're already doing it!

My dear friends...

In all new relationships with romantic potential (and you all know exactly which ones those are) a single question looms large: When do we become sexual?

In order to answer that question we must ask a larger one: What IS sexuality, anyway?

If we do not understand what sexuality is, we will not understand when to express ourselves in a sexual way. So here is the truth about sexuality that nobody ever told you: You are always expressing yourself in a sexual way....

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