A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

Would you please clarify something I am confused about? Tithing. I tithed for years when I was in a fundamentalist church, so I know what it means. For the past year I have been giving away at least ten percent of my gross income, most of it to sources of spiritual growth. So many different things I've read have been consistent about the importance of putting back at least ten percent into the universe, but there seems to be no consensus about where to give it.

You have also...

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Neale Talks About Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility...

My dear friends...

Nothing has impressed me more, or impacted me more, in the entire body of work known as the With God books than the Three Core Concepts of Holistic Living given to us in CwG-Book 1 :

1.        Awareness

2.        Honesty

3.        Responsibility

God told me that if I lived my entire life with these concepts as my guidelines, all of the "dramas" of my life would be over. Now you must...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

 I found CwG to be very inspiring. Thank you for asking about life and love and success!! I am interested in your insights about abortion especially.

Jacqueline, AZ

Neale Responds

Dear Jacqueline,

I find it interesting that among the questions I am asked the most are questions on abortion and homosexuality. I think that people really want to know what God thinks about these things, so that they can settle all this for themselves once and for all.

The first thing I want you...

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Neale Talks About Purpose...

My dear friends...

Often I am asked, "What is the secret of a joyful, fulfilling life?" I have looked at that question for many years, and I have come to the conclusion that one of the secrets, at least, if not the only one, is Purpose. It is difficult for me to conceive of a satisfying life that is without purpose. And the grander the purpose the better.

Having said it, it is astonishing to me that so few people actually have established a purpose for their lives. Most people that I...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch,

I've been asking our Father for guidance & the answer is always that I should write to you so that others will share in the answers.

I was raised by a self-proclaimed Pentecostal preacher who sexually abused me. I spent 20 years living a destructive lifestyle, often trying suicide. It was on one of these attempts I believe I met God. Six years ago, I tried to kill my stepfather and had a complete breakdown. I was put in a mental hospital and diagnosed as...

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A Letter to Neale

This is a letter from some years ago, and it seems it is time to look at not only the question but, most especially, the answer…. enjoy!

Hi, Neale!

I'm not writing to you as an authority on everything in the world. But I realize that through your experiences with god/goddess you might have a better perspective than I do.

I just finished reading the prophecies of Nostradamus and the author of Saved by the Light, Dannion Brinkley. What troubles me is that both of their predictions are...

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Neale Talks About Living the Message...

My dear friends...

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I've been trying to figure out how to better use the wisdom in the extraordinary books which have come through me. I've been trying to understand how to render that wisdom functional in my everyday life.

I've not had an easy time with this. Earlier in my life I at least had an excuse for my behaviors. I didn't know any better. I had no idea what life was about, and so I couldn't make any part of it work for me. In my utter...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale...

I am once again at a crossroads in my life with no money, no home and no job and I've been here before three times.  This time I am determined not to make the same choices and end up here yet again, but I am struggling.

I turned 60 in August and in September the business that I ran with my son-in-law went into liquidation leaving me owing £100,000 to the bank and meaning that I have to sell my house to pay back the money.  As I also have a...

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Neale Talks About Love...

My dear friends...

What is love, really?

People love to be in love. Yet "love" is a big word. It's the biggest word in the language. Any language. So we have to ask...

What is love, really? Author M. Scott Peck says that love is a decision , not a reaction . It's a choice, not a response. That may be one of the most important things anyone could ever say on the subject.

True love is never the result of how another person looks, behaves, or interacts with us. It is a choice to be loving no...

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Neale Talks About the Illusions of Life

My dear friends...

When I was in the midst of the worse period of my life, I asked myself over and over again, "Why is this happening to me?"

I did not understand then what I understand now.   My awareness had not expanded.   I was feeling frustrated.   I was feeling angry.   I was feeling betrayed by life itself.   Fortunately, I listened to these feelings.   I did not ignore them.   Feelings are the language of the soul.   They tell us what the soul...

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