A Letter to Neale: How ‘sourcing’ works!

Dear Diana…I picked this letter out of the stack because it fit perfectly with the longer bulletin message this week from the book The Holy Experience. Diana, to find a good life partner, BE a good life partner to another. If you do not have "another" to be a good life partner with, than be a good life partner to everyone. Act as if everyone was your spouse! Act as if everyone was your lover! Do this for three months and I promise you that you'll have plenty of people coming to...

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Give up 'future-izing'

My dear friends...

I would like to share with you today a big secret...

Declaring that you are having The Holy Experience right now requires that you refuse to step into Tomorrow before Tomorrow comes. This means that we must give up our habit of "future-izing."

Future-izing is a common human trait. All people look into the future, their own future in particular, and begin to construct realities around that. They imagine what is going to happen and how it is going to happen--and,...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... How can the current society ever forgo the use of punishment as a means to prevent damaging behaviour, when all of its people are not yet living by the triangular code of awareness, honesty and responsibility? How can the police force effectively do its work when there is not the tool of punishment to do it with? Most of what the police does 'works' to a certain extent because they can resort to punishment in the form of fines and sentences. Without it...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale...In Conversations with God, God (through you as part of God) says that you are a messenger and that this is not an easy calling. What would you say to others who might have a similar calling? 

Specifically, how do you keep the fires of creativity going knowing that so many people just don't get the message? And how do you feel connected to others when you spend long hours writing and researching, especially when you are just starting on that journey and you...

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Step out of Yesterday

My dear friends...

I want to say a few more on Awareness, before I move to this week's exploration...

Awareness is a very, very important aspect of Life. I think it's an important quality to nurture and to grow. If we can grow in Awareness, I think that we grow in one of the most vital ways. I think that Awareness is Vitality. I think it is Spiritual Vitality. I think that one is "spiritually vital" when one is Aware---and I think that when one is Aware one becomes "spiritually vital."...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... You write a lot in your books about giving, giving, giving to others. But when do I get something in return? It seems that all I do is GIVE. And frankly, I’m getting a little angry. Or at least, frustrated. Because I never get anything in return. What’s up here? And how do I get past this negativity that’s starting to come over me? Thanks,

Carolyn M., Boise, Idaho.

Neale Responds:

My dear Carolyn: Thank you for your letter, and for your...

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Where to from here?

My dear friends...

Well, I did it. I wrote “2022” for the first time on a check the other day. Somehow, for me, that makes it official. And, unlike some other years, when I’d make a mistake the first few times I had to write the date, this time I had no trouble at all remembering to write two-zero-two-TWO. I was so happy that Old Year was over!

It’s been a tough year for that, hasn’t it? A tough year. A long year. A year of challenge, for sure. Some people...

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A Letter to Neale: What it’s all about

Reader question:

Dear Neale... Okay, so the New Year is here. But who cares? I have no idea why I am here. I have no idea what life is about. It all seems so pointless to me. Can you give me a good reason --- any reason --- for all this? And what can I do to make the New Year “happy”?

Love, Margaret


Neale Responds:

My dear Margaret: The New Year will be better if you will give yourself a “better” reason for going on; a better reason for living.


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If every night was New Year’s Eve

My dear friends...

And so we begin another year. Another cycle in the continuous circling of the Earth around the Sun. Another passage of the Body, Mind, and Soul through the Labyrinth of Life.

And as we end the latest of these rotations and begin again yet another, every thinking person must ask, “What is the point of this? Are we truly just going round in circles, pretending that our elliptical course is a straight line actually going  somewhere? Is there any kind of purpose or...

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What is Christmas really about?

My dear friends...

A few years ago I shared the following message at the annual Christmas Eve service that the Conversations with God Foundation presents in Ashland, Oregon for many years. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was up from 2 until 6, having another one of my Conversations with God.

“Tell me about Christmas,” I said. “What is it really all about?” And I heard, “What do you mean, what is it really all about? I’ve told you a million times what...

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