Neale Talks About Consciousness...

My dear friends...

Have you noticed that virtually every week these days there is some scholarly, scientific newspaper or magazine article or book or television news segment confirming the messages in the Conversations with God series of books? This is thrilling to me not for reasons of ego, but just the opposite. Each one of these scholarly, scientific revelations makes it more and more clear to me that I had very little to do with the nature or the quality of the material in my dialogue...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I have read your books, met you at the Communion With God weekend at The Omega Center in Reinbeck NY,  and viewed the movie. Thank You, for all you do, all that you are. Thank You, for sharing that which lives within each of us. Thank you, for listening.

I started reading your books many years ago. They have helped to encourage me to believe and Re~Member All that I Am. I have started my own business, "All~Ways Enrich Your Spirit". I am now directing...

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Neale Talks About Forgiveness...

My dear friends...

Forgiveness, Conversations with God tells us, is not necessary in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is because God can neither be damaged nor offended, and so has no need to forgive anyone. Think of it this way. Do you have a need to "forgive" your three-year-old grandchild for misbehavior?  Of course not. And we are, to God, what a three-year-old child is to us.

In the community of humans that inhabits this earth, however, forgiveness can be very healing. What is...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale... I'm from Ecuador and I read your first book about two weeks and some parts of book two and three. Lately I have been thinking about committing suicide. In your third book says that people that commit suicide are ok and God doesn't judge them as everyone thinks.

I just want to know if there is some kind of awful place where I'll have to stay until coming back to life. I'm asking this because when people die and come back from death, they have experienced bad things...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale: Would you please clarify something I am confused about? Tithing. I tithed for years when I was in a fundamentalist church, so I know what it means. For the past year I have been giving away at least ten percent of my gross income, most of it to sources of spiritual growth. So many different things I've read have been consistent about the importance of putting back at least ten percent into the universe, but there seems to be no consensus about where to give it.

You have also...

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What is Christmas really about?

My dear friends...

A few years ago I shared the following message at the annual Christmas Eve service that the Conversations with God Foundation presents:

I couldn’t sleep last night. I was up from 2 until 6, having another one of my Conversations with God.

“Tell me about Christmas,” I said. “What is it really all about?” And I heard, “What do you mean, what is it really all about? I’ve told you a million times what it’s all about.” So I...

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Neale Talks About Mourning...

My dear friends...

Mourning is a wonderful thing. At least, for me it is, and I hope that it is for you. I experience that mourning brings out my humanity and places me deeply in touch with it. It connects me, thus, to my divinity, because when I am deeply, deeply in touch with my humanity, and with all that it means to be fully human, I find that I feel deeply in touch with my divinity as well.

To be fully human feels to me to be the same as being...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale:

Conversations with God speak to me on a level where I see an integration of the Divine and the human. I am, however, having difficulty understanding one thing. I understand that I am the spirit of the Creator expressing Itself as me, therefore, I Am--in fact, in reality and in truth--the spirit of God, and as such I can create a life of "perfection" right here on Earth. I therefore understand that anything else in my life is a mis-creation, and I can simply release it and...

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Neale Talks About Sadness and Mourning

My dear friends...

Nothing is evil lest thinking make it so.

Shakespeare wrote that, and the world has been proving it again and again.

A while back, there was a big brouhaha over something that Pope Benedict XVI said. Some people perceived his remarks as an insult to Islam, and thus, as damaging. The Pope's comments were damaging...but not because they were an insult to Islam. His words were, in fact, historically accurate. They were damaging for another reason altogether.


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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I'd like to begin a dialogue about some aspects of
CwG, Book 1 that resonated with me. There's so much, of course, and I'm only a few pages into the book. Yes, I actually went back to the beginning and started with the first page after doing my open-it-anywhere-to see-how-I-connect test. Every page contains a number of gems that each could be the subject of a lengthy dialogue.

What jumps out at me now is the subject of "feelings" and how they are so much more an accurate...

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