A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I am writing this email with a very heavy heart, and am sincerely hoping you will be able to give me some comfort. On Wednesday I had to put my little dog down - he was a beautiful toy poodle, and was part of the family. He was nearly 14, a good age for a poodle, but that does not make the grieving any easier. Has God a special place for animals, Neale? He created them and loves them. God is love - love is God. Surely they have a soul -- they have...

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Visualization as a Tool

My dear friends...

We continue this week in our extraordinary exposition on how to move into what I have been calling The Holy Experience. Last week we talked about the tool of Sound. This week, let's look at another instrument --- one of the most powerful Instruments I have ever used. It is the tool of visualization.

I'm tempted to stay away from saying something very daring here, but it is true, so I'm going to say it: I have hardly ever used the tool of visualization and have it not...

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The CWG Weekly Bulletin: Special Edition

My dear friends...

I am so happy to tell you this week of something that the Conversations with God Foundation is inviting all of you to join with us in doing!  It can touch the world in ways we could only have talked about, but not actually accomplished, just a few short years ago: Begin to change the world, by changing our own individual energy.

People everywhere are asking: “What can I do? Is there anything I can do to help our world in these days of ongoing dire world...

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Learning to Listen to Life

My dear friends...

We continue this week in our extraordinary exposition on how to move into what I have been calling The Holy Experience. Last week we said here that meditators are often told that a good way to begin their practice is to listen to the sound of their own breath. Move deeply into the sound, meld with it, become one with it.

Training ourselves to listen to the sounds of life and to seek Resonance with life is a wonderful beginning on the path to Non-Awareness of the Self. We...

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A Letter to Neale: What about what Jesus said?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I have a question regarding one of the CWG books. It's about Jesus. You quote, I think, a few times the Bible verse, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life', but I was wondering about the second part of that verse that says 'no one comes to the Father except through me'.

I became a Christian around 6 years ago at the age of 34 and kind of believed everything the church told me. I eventually left the church as so much of what was said didn't add up...

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The magic of sound

My dear friends...

In discussing The Holy Experience in this Weekly Bulletin we have explored many approaches, including, most recently, the aspect of life that I have called “non-awareness.” Last week in the Bulletin I offered a vivid “real life” explanation of this phenomenon. If you missed that edition of this publication, I hope you will find a way a to go back and take a look at it.

Today I would like to embark on an expansion of The Five Tools of...

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A Letter to Neale: How does God experience Itself?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... One question I've had about reading the books is this. If everything is all one (which I believe it is) then how is God really experiencing anything? For instance, how do we form relationships, or intimate relationships if we're all the same thing? Is free will just an illusion then, considering everything is God, it's God's will, not ours? How does God love "us" as his/her children when it knows it is exactly that. Isn't everything you have written, just...

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Stepping out of the drama

My dear friends...

I said here last week that attaining a state of Non-Awareness is about the shift from the Mind to the Soul—which knows all about the Tightrope of Life...as well as what is awaiting us on The Other Side. It knows that we can make it across the span without difficulty if we simply don’t look down. It knows that in God’s Kingdom, “everything is looking up.”

It also knows that on this tightrope, as in most circuses, it’s okay if you fall....

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A Letter to Neale: How does ‘attraction’ work?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I don’t know if here is the right place to ask this but, the law of attraction works only with physical objects? or can I ask for freedom, love, health...? Thanks

Neale Responds:

 Dear Friend --- The so-called "Law of Attraction" is one of the most misunderstood concepts in New Thought Spirituality. And to explain all that has been misunderstood about it would take an entire book. In fact, I have written just such a book, and you may find it...

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Don’t look down

My dear friends...

As you know, we have been discussing here the moments in life that I have called The Holy Experience. The connection with Life’s True Joy, Real Purpose, and Ultimate Reality is what we have been calling that. As I said here last week, this is an experience not covered by the prior data of most human cultures, traditions, and religions. True, many of these cultures, traditions, and religions offer a facsimile of it, but few, if any, have brought us reliable data about...
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