A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Mr.Walsch!! ...

I hope you will find time to answer me (if not, I will understand). I'm from Croatia and I read 6 your books. I'm very fascinated. I would like to ask you for help(although these books helped me a lot to realize many things and to get picture of God who loves all of us, and who doesn't know for punishment). In past three years I had many problems in my life. I'm now 18 years old. In that 3 years I was often bad mood and after some time I lost confidence...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... What is the role, do you think, of a spiritual messenger? I have been watching your life from a distance, and observing the commentaries that you offer, and they bring up this question for me. I mean this question sincerely, not snidely. Thank you for addressing it.

Geraldine, from New Hampshire.


Neale Responds

Dear Geraldine.....I have been thinking a lot about this lately, so I am not surprised that you should send me this letter. What we think...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...I am about to get divorced from my husband. I only started to read your books last summer and I realized I am not happy with him. That is, I don't make him responsible for my happiness, but I decided to accept his negative attitude and his choice to be depressive, but decided I can't and I don't want to live with him anymore.

At the moment we both have psychotherapy and both our individual therapist advised not to get divorced straight away, but have a so...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...

In his book "Kundalini For Beginners".... Dr Ravindra Kumar states that the deceased has no more understanding of God than the living. Is this true? He also states that the psychic being, which is also responsible for spiritual growth, exists only on earth and no other plane. Is this true also?  

Sincerely...Isaac Mba.

Neale Responds

Dear Isaac...In my own experience Dr. Kumar’s statements are inaccurate or incomplete on both counts. Having not read...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...
I have heard you talk about detachment/attachment. You say one can have caring without attachment, but I need more discussion of how that is done.  I have lost 3 pets within the last 9 months, and attachment/loss is much on my mind. Where can I look for more insight?  Perhaps one of your books discusses it in depth, and I have forgotten. And, by the way, I enjoy your bulletins very much.  Contrary to what others appear to...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...In one of your audios you say that the purpose of life is the journey for each of us to return to the whole of us. You also say that we are magnificent just as we are which implies that we don't need anything because we are already whole.

Why don't we know that we are fine and magnificent?

I've been reading about 'soul retrieval' and 'experts' out there who say that they are qualified to retrieve the part/s of your soul that are missing. The theory is that...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... As the world reels to deal with global events, I find that some of my friends are having a difficult time coping with the daily news. Some of them have even taken to avoiding the news altogether. Any suggestions on what I could tell them?

Topeka, Kansas

Neale Responds

Dear Carolyn... Putting your head in the sand like an ostrich is not the most personally beneficial or effective way of dealing with our world as it is. Simply pretending that something...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale...In The Only Thing That Matters you wrote that the top priority in our lives should be “what one desires.” Do you really think that god really is concerned with What One Desires? Look at cosmos and what a tiny speck each one of us is with our so serious concerns and desires. Volcanoes, black holes exploding stars etc and Microdot Mike I don't understand how any of us is so significant to god. I do not assign you responsibility for convincing me...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Mr. Walsch: Thank you so much for CWG. To say it is amazing is a masterpiece of understatement. A lot of your book verifies things I already feel are true. Some of it, as you know, is truly surprising. I am on my second reading.

This is a book that must be read several times. A question I would hope you would be able to address is about meditation. I live in an apartment complex that is adjacent to a four lane street.

Although I am a senior citizen, I have very good...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale...Can you suggest what, as a world or national citizen, our political duties should be?

Neale Responds:

In the eyes of God, my friend, there is no such thing as "should." There are some things in the political realm that national citizens are invited to do...and indeed, I wrote an entire book about them. They are far too numerous to place in a one or two paragraph answer here.

May I suggest you read the book The Storm Before the Calm? You will find it posted by...

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