Neale Talks About Energy

My dear friends...

Everything in life is energy. There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- that is not energy. Everything vibrates with this energy, and the number of vibrations, or wave patterns, within a given period of time is called the "frequency" with which the energy fluctuates. Energy is always fluctuating.  Always. That is, energy never remains static. If energy were to ever remain static, everything would suddenly stand still. The physical world would simply...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale...

Growing up, I always drew and I planned on going to school for Art, but when it came to the end of Senior year (I remember it like it was yesterday), we were sitting in the counselor's office and they told us how much Art school would be and how expensive the materials were and what my chances were of achieving a profitable/successful career in Art, we decided not to do it. 

I was worried about leaving all that debt in my parents' name, when they knew I could not afford it....

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Neale Talks About the Days of the New Spirituality

My dear friends...

We are embarking on a period during which humanity will create a new understanding of who God is, and what God wants. You and I will be creating that together in the days and weeks, months and years just ahead.

These are the days of the New Spirituality, and they are already here. It is now just a question of the expansion of this energy. In the amazing book What God Wants I was told what we could look for during this time. I was particularly interested in the subject...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I've been with you all along, since you published your first CwG book.  I've been to your retreats, read your newsletters and all of your books.

And your newsletters have always been good. I look forward to receiving them and they positively impact my life each and every time I open one.  I often share them with friends.

Lately, they seem to have a new depth and clarity---a clarity full of understanding and longing in each and every word.  I feel as if your journey...

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Neale Talks About Wealth

My dear friends...

I am re-reading a fabulous book right now by Jim Rosemergy with the wonderful title, Even Mystics Have Bills to Pay . Rosemergy is an ordained Unity minister and has held executive posts at the Unity School of Christianity at Unity Village, Missouri.

In this volume -- which I highly recommend for everyone -- Jim puts everything having to do with the subject of wealth into a wonderful perspective that could reorganize your thinking about the whole topic.

First, he redefines...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch:

I was beginning to not want to read any more new age and spiritual books. My searching, prayers, etc. were getting me nowhere. But I enjoyed
CwG Book 1 through my laughter and tears. I don't understand, "If you look at something, it will disappear." Please explain. My whole life is crap I'd like to make disappear. I've had unbearable health problems for 23 years. I've always had health problems. I don't have medical insurance, so I stay home and suffer. If you do healings,...

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Neale Talks About Resistance

My dear friends...

Conversations with God said that what you resist persists. Often this is misunderstood to mean that we should accept everything that occurs or appears in our life without any attempt or determination to change it. Yet that is not what it means.

It is perfectly okay, in spiritual terms, to seek to change any circumstance, situation, or condition that arises in your life with which you do not agree. Here is the key point around all of this: Change is not resistance. To seek...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I am hoping the current issues in the news will compel you to address one of the basic ideas our country was founded on, the right to bear arms.  It seems there aren't many people 'on the fence' regarding this issue.  I am personally a pacifist, yet I don't have a solution to the problem of how to defend yourself against those with guns, without guns.  Ever been to 'neutral' Switzerland ?  Neutral by force, yet they are not killing each other in the...

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Neale Talks About the ABC's of CwG!

My dear friends...

How simple is the message of Conversations with God? It is as simple as A-B-C. Here is something that I woke up with in my head one morning...

A ll things are One Thing. There is only One Thing, and All Things are part of the One Thing that is.

B etter is an illusion. Nothing is better than anything else.

C all on Me whenever and wherever you seek the Peace that I Am. I will be there.

D o unto others as you would have it done unto you.

E very act is an act of self...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale Donald Walsch:

I have so many questions regarding
CwG , but I think I'll just ask one at this time. I don't recall reading anything about forgiveness. Did God in this conversation mention forgiveness, since forgiveness is such a large issue in Christianity? Also, your format is very similar to A Course In Miracles, in which forgiveness is almost everything. This book has helped me tremendously so far, although it really has scared me in many ways. I appreciate all of your...

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