Neale Talks About Father's Influence

My dear friends...

Let me tell you a little story about the day my father died.

I knew that my father was not in the best of heath for some time. He was 83 years old and his health had been deteriorating, and so, his death was not a shock to me. When the call came and the voice on the other end said, "Neale, I'm sorry to have to tell you that your Dad has died," what I felt was not surprise, but great sadness--and a wave of panic. The sadness I understood, the panic I did not. It was a kind...

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Neale Talks About Absolute Truth…

My dear friends...

I don't know about you, but I've spent my whole life looking for my truth outside of myself.

First, I found it in my parents, who were my earliest authority figures, and who I assumed spoke Nothing But The Truth on everything.

Second, I found it in my family members--my older brothers, my aunts and uncles and the relatives with whom we visited. All of them, to some degree, were authority figures.

Then, I placed my schoolteachers in that category. My earliest teachers were...

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Neale Talks About the Divine Dichotomy …

My dear friends...

When I was a young boy I lived in a black and white world. It appeared to me as if things were either one way or another. I saw very little gray in between the black and white, and I certainly did not envision a world in which two sets of facts which were obviously contradictory could exist simultaneously in the same space and both be true.

As I have grown older, and particularly since I received the messages of the Conversations with God books, I have come to understand...

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Neale Talks About the Last Day of Your Life …

My dear friends...

If this were the last day of your life, what would you do? What would you consider important? To whom would you speak, and what would you say? Who would you make time for, and with whom would you share a really important moment?

If this were your last day on earth, what would you make your top priority? How would your tone of voice change? On what would you spend your words? To what would you devote your thoughts?

How, if this were your final day, would you define...

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Neale Talks About "Right" and "Wrong"…

My dear friends...

One of the most controversial concepts in the messages of CwG is the idea that there is no absolute right and no absolute wrong in God’s universe.

The human mind finds this difficult to accept. If there is no absolute right, how can we know when we are on the path to God? By what measure shall we estimate our progress? By what determination shall we know what our actions should be in any given circumstance? How shall we create our laws? What shall constitute our...

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Neale Talks About Spiritual Helpers …

My dear friends...

There are in our world people who we might call "Spiritual Helpers." 

Spiritual Helpers are like Guardian Angels in physical form. They are real-life people like you and me, only they are determined to send a message to our world -- and especially to those who are stepping off on The Spiritual Path.

This is one of the biggest responsibilities of Spiritual Helpers.  They want to send their messages far and wide, and particularly to those who, having...

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A Home with God e-treat

My dear friends...

We are moving closer and closer to what for me is going to be a grand event for this year, and I am so very excited.

On Sept 17th, I will be sitting down with a small group of highly committed spiritual seekers to explore in depth the material that has been given to us, about death and the process of life. You can learn more here:

It was several years ago that I was told that a ‘final’ book in the CwG cosmology, to be...

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A Universal Governance Tax?

My dear friends...

I was thinking the other day of all that I have received in Life Itself, and of how much I have been willing to give to the Universal Governance for all that it provides. Wouldn’t it be interesting if there was a “tax” on all that is incoming from the Universe each year? I wonder how such a “tax” could be paid…


I have some ideas about that. Supposing the “tax” was paid in Love? Like the dollar, which is made up of...

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Do What You Can

My dear friends...

Let’s talk about the world this week.


Time Magazine a while back, published a cover story on Global Warming headlined: Be worried. Be VERY worried. In that story, this bastion of news magazine conservatism announced that the problem was 33% worse than anyone has so far estimated.


Former Vice President Al Gore warns that the global warming problem is the biggest crisis facing humanity today. What we are going to do about it is no longer a political...

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Happiness and Love

My dear friends...

There is a key to happiness and love that very few people have embraced—and that many have never even heard about. Communion with God gives us that key, and here it is: Happiness is a decision, not an experience. You can decide to be happy without having what you thought you needed to have in order to be happy, and you will be.

That is one of the most important things you could ever come to understand. Allow me, therefore, to repeat it. Happiness is a decision. Your...

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