A Foundation for Personal Growth
and Spiritual Understanding
Our mission is to share the messages contained in the
Conversations with God series of books...
...and those books offer humanity these three invitations:
1. Change the world's mind about god.
2. Give people back to themselves.
3. Awaken the species.
Learn more about us and how YOU can join us in OUR Mission:
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When you sign up below you will receive the weekly bulletin, written by Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch, as well as other CWG related emails.
We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone.

About the CwG Foundation
The Conversations with God Foundation (also known as the ReCreation Foundation, Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational foundation, created to address the overwhelming response from people who desire to do something tangible to spread the messages of Conversations with God.
Welcome Message From Neale
About Neale Donald Walsch
Our Commitment

We offer a variety of programs designed to support those seeking personal or spiritual assistance and guidance.
The CWG Helping Outreach
A place where people from all walks of life may gather. The intention is to provide a space for the creation of a caring, compassionate global community, where people who are faced with unexpected and unwelcome change may come, may share their experiences, may seek spiritual support and guidance, and may offer such support to others.

The Free Books Program
Formerly known as Books For Friends, this program was founded in 1995 when a prisoner wrote Neale asking for a free copy of Conversations with God. Neale enlisted the help of readers by asking them to consider donating books to someone less fortunate.
Learn MorePrison Outreach
The mission of the Prison Outreach is to share the message of the CWG books with people in jails and prisons, places of darkness where its light is most needed. We all dream of a better world, a place of peace and safety where we would all be free to become our next highest version of our Selves.
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Our educational programs assist those interested in creating a deeper understanding of the CWG messages.

CWG for Parents
Through our Family Enrichment Kit and Teen Curriculum, to books for parents, teens, and children, we have crafted the CWG material in a way that you can effectively share these ideas with the children and young adults in your life.
Learn MoreLiving the Life You Want Course
~ Coming Soon ~

Wisdom that Works -Ā
The CWG Online School
A 24 Lesson Series to help enrich your understanding of the life changing messages of Conversations with God.Ā This program, led by CWG Life Coach Annie Sims, is designed to move you to a greater place of knowing and application.
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We offer a variety of products designed to support those seeking personal or spiritual assistance and guidance.

Supported primarily through contributions, our work would not be possible without you.
Give books
When you are done reading your CWG book, you can mail it to us and we will give it to someone who can't afford it. You can also buy a copy from your local used book store, or from any online sellers. This is, in some ways, more valuable to us than money.
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Give financial support
Your Tax-Deductible donation allow the Foundation to continue moving ahead and allowing those less fortunate to participate at every level through scholarships and discounted enrollment fees.