CWG for Parents
“I wish there was a way that I could pass this on to my kids!”
We have heard this statement made for years by people from all over the world. People that have been deeply moved by the messages of CWG. People that want to see these messages passed on to the next generation. CWG for Parents answers that call. Through our Homeschooling Kit and Teen Curriculum, to books for parents, teens, and children, Neale and our team have crafted the CWG material in a way that you can effectively share these ideas with the children and young adults in your life.
If your life has been touched in a positive way by CWG and you wish to see these remarkable insights about life and the nature of Divinity passed on to our children, we believe you will find the programs and resources on this page to be wonderfully helpful.
CWG Family Enrichment Kit

Teen Curriculum - Coming Soon

In the audiobook, Conversations with God for Teens, Neale Donald Walsch, Alanis Morissette, LeVar Burton and a cast of teenagers present this uncommon dialogue sparked by young adults from around the globe. It is simple, clear, straight-to-the-point. The answers may challenge beliefs about God, money, sex, and love-about everything you may have been taught... and it lays the groundwork for this curriculum!
Featured Books:

Conversations with God for Parents
This 400 page book for parents is not a workbook -- it is an unique and inspiring parenting book, with content that will help parents guide their children through the core concepts from the 3,000 pages of Conversations with God

Conversations with God for Teens
God speaks about questions raised by teens around the globe. It's a simple, clear, straight-to-the-point dialogue. The answers may challenge beliefs about God, money, sex, and love-about everything you may have been taught.
Children's Books:

The Little Soul and the Sun
The book is a parable from Conversations with God adapted by Neale for children seven to twelve years old.

The Little Soul and the Earth
This uplifting follow-up finds our favorite little soul being asked by God to return to Earth in order to "experience who she really is."

Santa's God
A remarkable story for every child and family with an insight that will be remembered every holiday for years to come.
Would you like to help support this program?
Please consider a contribution to CWG for Parents.
💙 100% of your donations are tax deductible and will be used for only this program.
💙 With the help of generous donors, we seek to create a safe space in which older children (“tweens” and teens) may come together online to share ideas, ask each other questions, and form a community --- all without fear of bullying, mistreatment or discrimination, or any inappropriate interactions.
💙 We also hope to expand our resources and support for parents.