The Prison Outreach Program
The mission of the Prison Outreach Program,
is to share the message of the Conversations with God books with people in jails and prisons, places of darkness where its light is most needed. We all dream of a better world, a place of peace and safety where we would all be free to become our next highest version of our Selves. It is our goal to empower prisoners to live the CwG message so that they can become the next highest version of themselves and, by doing so, effect change in their own world.
This program consists of:

The 'Freedom Inside' newsletter
Started in 2001 by Janine Cantin, Freedom Inside is a newsletter that is based on the CWG material and is sent free of charge to anyone interested. It is written for prisoners and includes many articles and letters received from prisoners. Freedom Inside's mailing list started at around 50 in 2001 and has grown close to 1000 prisoners today. It is our hope that it will eventually become a monthly newsletter.
Read a sample from 'Freedom Inside' here

Free Books for Prisoners
Hundreds of books are sent every year to prisoners who are re-examining their lives and are ready to make profound changes. For many of them their time in prison is a time of questioning, an inner quest for their own truth, a search to understand where their lives went wrong. A little support from us can make a huge difference to them.

Connection with Prisoners
Many prisoners are cut off from outside contacts as family and friends very often distance themselves. We believe personal contact is incredibly important in order to stay connected to our own humanity. This is why we answer as many personal letters and emails from prisoners as possible.

Study Groups in Prisons
We have many prisoner led CwG study groups. When someone is interested in starting such a group, we send them a packet of information and study guides to help set them up and, of course, we make sure all participants receive their own books to work with... We do whatever we can to support them as they explore CWG.
If you, or someone you know, would benefit from this program
please contact us!
Use the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you.
Would you like to help support this program?
At this point, we send out the newsletter when funds allow, which is a few times a year. With the help of generous donors, it will be able to become a monthly publication.
"When I got here, I was bewildered, hurt, and angry– no, furious!- with God. I had survived years of alcoholism, but I didn’t get into trouble with the law until I had been sober for almost two years.
I had no idea of Who I Really Was, and had never had the courage or inclination to address this central question in my life... In a word, I was lost.
What being incarcerated gave me the opportunity and invitation to do, was to throw away everything I thought I knew about God. It was only after all this ‘faulty data’ was out of the way that the truth began creeping in.
Of course, along the way, the CWG books came to me, and quite literally changed my life. From the first reading, there was an ‘inner resonance’ with my soul that defied description. Work with others (we currently have an informal group, where we take turns reading the books aloud and discuss them) has led to an understanding and love of life that I would have said was impossible, prior to coming to this material.
I can honestly say that, for the first time in my ‘current life’, and despite the appearance of captivity, I Am Free." -D.C. from Virginia
Please consider a contribution to the Prison Outreach Program.
💙 100% of your donations are tax deductible and will be used for only this program.
💙 With the help of generous donors, we will be able to become a monthly publication.