A Letter to Neale


A close friend and business partner was killed recently in a car accident in which another driver crossed the center line and hit him head on.  Our family is struggling to come to terms with it.  Some questions that arise are: did our friend choose to transmute himself into another form at this time or did God choose to transmute him?  Is there a perfect divine order to things or are events like this random?  Could our friend, if he chose, help us in his current state?  Any insight into these topics would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Neale Responds

Dear Jenny...

The book in the CwG series, HOME WITH GOD in a Life That Never Ends, tells us that there is never any imperfection in the manner or timing of any persons' death -- and that no person ever dies against his or her will. In other words, the answer is yes, your friend chose to change his life form at this time. God does not impose His Will on anyone, ever. Indeed, there is no such thing as "God's Will" as opposed to our own. In CwG God tells us, "Your will for you is My will for you." Nothing could be clearer than that.

To answer your second question, there is no such thing as a "random event" in the universe. Not in the way that you mean it. Every event has a purpose and a reason residing in Perfection. We either believe this or we don't -- but our belief or non-belief in any case will not change this fact. It will merely alter our experience of it. That is, it will seem to us that events are without perfection if we believe that they are.

You have asked, "Could our friend, if he chose, help us in his current state?"

What do you think he is doing right here?


P.S. I would STRONGLY recommend that you and everyone around you who have been touched by this read HOME WITH GOD. But not just at this minute. Wait a while...a week, a month...each of you will know when it feels good and right to do so...then gently open its pages and absorb its message. You may find great comfort there. Others have, if the mail I have received over the past years is any proof.

God bless you, Jenny.


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