About 'Selective Amnesia' Why do we 'forget' Who We Really Are?

Following is the fourth installment of an extended series of commentaries. Over the next two installments Neale Donald Walsch offers deep insight on the nature of life and the reason it is the way it is. In this article Neale’s topic is:

About 'Selective Amnesia' Why do we 'forget' Who We Really Are? 

I promised in the last installment that I would comment here on the reason that 'temporary amnesia' (forgetting Who We Really Are) is a part of the process of the evolution of the human soul. I'm aware that most people who have read the Conversations with God material closely already understand what I am going to say here. I am also aware that many people read this Bulletin who have not read all of the CwG dialogue books (there are ten in the series). So for some of you this will be a review, and for some of you it may be relatively new material.

When we move from the Spiritual Realm to the Physical Realm as part of our eternal and cyclical journey through life, we undergo a process of physicalization that involves the embedding of our Consciousness within the limited confines of the collective reality into which we have inserted our Self. During this process the level of awareness within our Consciousness contracts to fit the space in which it is being held.

It must be understood that Consciousness is nothing more than energy. Everything is energy. You. Me. Everything. Everything that we are is energy. Everything that IS, is energy. Thoughts are energy. Emotions are energy in motion. Ideas, concepts, awareness -- all are energy.

It must also be understood that all energy impacts other energy. That is, the energy of life is interconnected. One energy affects another. Physicists have found a way to describe this interactive process as it relates to quantum physics by saying: "Nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer." In other words, the simple act of looking at a thing has a material effect on the thing being looked at.

Put another way, we are creating what we are looking at by the way that we look at it and the place from which we are observing it. What this has to do with what I call "selective amnesia" is this: the movement of our Unlimited Consciousness into the environment of physicality produces a Limited Point of View of Ultimate Reality. This Limited Point of View reduces our awareness. Our Consciousness remains unlimited, but our awareness of all that our Consciousness knows is significantly reduced.

This is something like putting blinders on a horse.

Putting blinders on a horse does nothing to impair the horse's eyesight. It simply impairs the horse's ability to use its eyesight completely. The horse's awareness is thus impaired. He is less "aware" of all that is around him, of the reality in which he exists. This makes his surrounding no less the reality, but his lack of full awareness allows less of it to be brought into his experience. The horse thinks that what he is experiencing is the actual reality. Only when you take the blinders off does the horse realize that there is "more than meets the eye" to reality.

In human beings, Consciousness is the eyesight of the sacred being known as You. It is unlimited and sees everything. Physicality is the blinder of Consciousness. When you "put on" physicality it is like putting blinders on a horse. You limit your ability to see everything that the unhindered Consciousness is able to see. Your awareness is impaired. You are less "aware" of all that is around you, of the reality in which you exist. This makes your surrounding no less the reality, but your lack of full awareness makes it less of your experience. You think that what you are experiencing is the actual reality. Only when you take the blinders off do you realize that there is "more than meets the eye" to the reality in which you exist.

Unlike the horse, you can do something about this. You can take the blinders off even as you are continuing your journey. The "blinders" of physicality can be removed all at once, or a little at a time. In the second instance, we see more and more gradually. In the first instance, we see everything all at once.

Sometimes we see everything all at once and then lose sight of it. This can happen when seeing everything all at once throws us into "psychic shock," and it can also happen when we voluntarily withdraw back into "limited eyesight" in order that we may more gently and effectively confront and deal with all the data, the unlimited data, that was made available to us in our moment of Expanded Awareness.

Physicality "squeezes" our field of vision. As we squeeze our Unlimited Self into the extremely restricted space of physicality, we shift our point of view dramatically, obstructing it in the process. Greatly obstructing it, I might add.

None of this is accidental. None of this is a mistake or an unfortunate condition of having a physical body. It is all quite by design. It is all providential. Without this "squeezing" of our field of vision, we would "see" more than our Mind is equipped to process. We would "blow the circuits" of the physical mechanism that we call the brain. Yet if the brain was designed by Divine Intelligence, why wasn't it, one might ask, designed in such a way that it could hold all the data of the universe (so to speak)?

That question will be answered next week.

With Pure Love,

Read this week's Letter to Neale here


Read a message from one of the prisoners impacted by our Prison Outreach HERE



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