A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

On page eighty-two of
CwGBook 2, God says, “When you think of someone, if that person is sensitive enough, he or she can feel it.” I am one of those people who can feel it. I was very relieved to read those words, as never before have I had an explanation for the “feelings.” If I ever tried to talk to anyone about it I would usually just get a blank stare. Now I know I’m not crazy, just “sensitive.” I am looking for more information about this, or someone to talk to about these “feelings.”

When the feelings come, I feel very alone. I know that I should not feel lonely, if what I’m feeling is someone else’s energy. I keep thinking this should help me feel more connected to other people, but I don’t. It’s like being the only person who can see a beautiful sunset. It’s overwhelming at times. I need to share the sunset with someone, talk about the colors, know someone else can see it.

When I first read page eighty-two, I thought at least I knew what was going on with me, and there was some comfort with that. But now, the feelings are getting more intense. The closer to God I get, the stronger the energy is. I am very thankful for any help you can give me with this. It is not serving me to ignore this. And although I try to just go with the flow and accept this as a part of who I am and find comfort in at least knowing what it is, I can’t help but feel there is more to this.

With thanks,
Debra, Canada.

Neale Responds

Hi, Debra!

Good news! What you are feeling is love. I hate to be so simplistic, but that’s what it is. It is the energy of life, and that is pure love. You feel it coming from other people, even when they are not consciously intending to send it. You are receiving the essence of Who They Are, which is love. You say, “The closer to God I get, the stronger the energy is.” Exactly, Debra.

Everyone who has ever experienced real closeness with God has known the phenomenon you are talking about. It’s like being in love with the whole world, and it is “overwhelming at times.” Of course it will not serve you to ignore it. That would be like ignoring the very essence of Who You Are.

There is “more to this.” Yet the reason that you are not feeling more connected to other people—much less experiencing the “more to this” that there is—is that you have not really “locked in” to the second half of this process, which CwG describes as Synergistic Energy Exchange. That second half is the part of the process by which you deliberately and consciously send out the energy, and the feeling you are now receiving.

This energy can be intentionally sent. Send it to all people everywhere, and to all those whose lives you touch. Do this continually and consistently for the next few months, and very soon you will find that you are feeling more connected to others. Then the whole riddle will be solved, and what was once a mystery will turn into the pure joy of experiencing Who You Really Are.

Many blessings,


Blessed be.

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