A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I’ve been working at a couple of restaurants for several years now, and have become very dissatisfied with the restaurant industry here. I’m very attracted to alternative therapies, from massage, nutrition and yoga to transpersonal psychology, pastoral counseling, and herbs. I want a career change! I don’t know which of the above I should choose. I don’t ever seem to get an answer to my question in meditation, so could you ask God which is best for me, and where the best schools would be? I’m 35 and time is running out. I need help from God to make the right decision and to find my life’s mission, career-wise. Also, my girlfriend and I want to move from the Ozarks to out West, but we can’t decide which is the best location for us. Can you help? Stuck in restaurant work.

Chuck, MO

Neale Responds

Dear Chuck,

Many people want to know what’s “best” for them, what they should “do” with their life. Everyone is focused on this “doingness” thing, and that is not where the focus is best placed. It is your beingness, Chuck, which keeps you stuck, not your doingness. You are stuck in your present “doingness” because of what you are “being”—and not “being.” Change your beingness and you will not be “doing” the restaurant thing much longer.

I want you to read a booklet which I have written called Bringers of the Light. It is an extraordinary explanation of this business of “doingness” and “beingness,” and it was written especially for people like you; people who find themselves “stuck” in a career, or in an endless search for the “right” career.

Now I want to tell you that it would be very unusual for you to “get an answer” to your question in meditation, because meditation is not about the Universe, or God, answering your questions. Meditation is about getting in touch with Who You Really Are, after which all questions go away. If you go into meditation with a question on your mind, you go into meditation wrongly. Empty your mind, then go into meditation. Forget your questions, then go into meditation. Require no “answers,” then go into meditation. Meditation is not about “getting answers”. Meditation is about going to a place where the answers and the questions are one.

Do you understand this? Do you hear what I am saying? It is out of the void that an answer will come, if an “answer” comes at all, not out of the space of expectation. If you expect an answer, you will not get one. That is because meditation is not a mental process: it is the absence of mental process! So I am not surprised that you receive no answers in your meditation.

As to “asking God” what is “best” for you, I want you to try to grasp something here that could change your life. There is nothing that is “best for you.” There is only that which serves you in terms of what you are trying to be. And what you are seeking to be is not a question God will ever answer. Because if God answered that question, your whole purpose in living would be thwarted. Your purpose in coming to your body at this time and in this place has been to make the very decision that you are asking God to make! You are on this earth, my friend, to decide and to declare, to create and to fulfill, to experience and to become Who You Really Are. You are engaged in the process of pure creation; you are God Godding! And God knows, God would never tell you how to do that! The whole point of the process is for you to decide! For you to choose. For you to create. Not for God to decide and choose and create for you! I cannot, and would not, “ask God what is best” for you. And neither should you. You should tell God what is best for you, and then watch God move into action!

God is not one who likes to be asked. God is one who likes to be told. And that is the biggest misunderstanding of all time about God. People think that we are to “ask” God for what we want, or for help in deciding this or that. God says, no, don’t do that. Don’t ask me. Because asking me is a statement that you do not now have what you want, or have the answers to your questions; and what you declare you do not have, I cannot give you. For your word is law, and your thought is creative, and your actions are productive, producing Who and What You Now Are. Therefore, choose, do not ask.

The only problem with this choosing business is that we can no longer rely on any person or source outside of our selves to “give us the answer,” tell us what is “right,” or decide what is “best.” We have to make our choices in a vacuum, and then stand responsible for those choices. This is, of course, what most of the human race is spending its time avoiding.

Now, Chuck, you say you are “35 and time is running out.” That makes me chuckle a bit, my friend, because if your time is running out, mine is positively depleted! Your time is just beginning. So I invite you to stop it. Stop creating all these beliefs for yourself that do not serve you. Your “life’s mission,” Chuck, is exactly what you say it is. It is not something you “find”, it is something you create. Create it, Chuck, stop trying to “find it.” Conversations with God says that life is not a process of discovery, it is a process of creation. That is the most important sentence you will ever read.

By now you already know what I am going to say to you about what is the “best location” for you. There is no “best location.” The “best location” is right where you say it is. Create it, Chuck. Stop trying to find it. I am not going to enable you. I am going to empower you. If I give you the answer, I will enable you to think that I had the answer which you didn’t. Then you can continue to live in the thought that you do not have the answers, but, if you can find someone who does, life will be swell. I will not enable you in that way, Chuck. You can count on me never to do that.

Blessed be.

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