A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

Your weekly bulletins are such an important part of my life.  You bring me back to myself in each and every one, and given the last two years that I've had, I can't tell you how needed your words have been.

I have lost seven very special people to me in the past eighteen months--my young father, two best friends who were in their forties, and other special people who seemed to me to die before their time. Each week, when your bulletins come I am reminded of my own truth, of their truth, and of what I am really doing here.

I hope my small monthly contribution to your organization shares my thanks...I have read each and every one of your books, have attended your retreats and I am so pleased that I invited you into my life...

Kind Regards,

Neale Responds

My Dear Margot,

First of all, thank you so very much for your kind contribution each month. If everyone who reads this Bulletin sent us just a dollar or two each week, it would make a world of difference to our non-profit Foundation. We will continue, always, to provide it as a free service, but we sure do appreciate the generosity of folks such as you which helps us meet our expenses month to month!

Margot, I am so sorry that you have suffered such huge losses, and all so close together. But may I make a gentle observation, please? The book in the Conversations with God series, HOME WITH GOD in a Life That Never Ends, made it very clear to me that no one "dies before their time." The timing and the manner of death is always in soft agreement with the agenda of the soul, which is on a joyous and eternal journey of Self Creation.

If you have not had a chance to read this book in the Conversations with God cosmology, I dearly hope that you will do so. If you have, in fact, read this text, I know that it brought you great comfort during these times of sadness. If we can live every moment of our lives as an opportunity to express and experience the grandest notion ever held within our heart of who we are and why we are here, then the moment of our death will be embraced with a sweet wisdom and with enormous gratitude for all that our time upon the earth has given us a chance to experience.

As our loved ones move on to the Spiritual Realm, there to continue their journey, we celebrate their magnificent achievement -- which we call their lives -- and honor their decision now to move on to the next expression of their divinity. And difficult as it is for us to get along without them, we soothe our sadness with the sure and certain knowledge that the love we have felt for them is experienced by them even now... and that their love for us can be called upon on a moment’s notice to fill our hearts with gladness and courage as we move through the days and times of our own physicality.

This life, Margot, is a gift beyond measure -- as I know that you know. The generosity and compassion with which you approach life is a great source of joy to your soul and is a wonderful example for all those whose lives you touch. You are generous in your words of praise, Margot, yet only a generous heart could sponsor such expressions. And so you stand as a model for all of us, and it is I who am touched.

Blessed be.

If you would like to send a donation, as does Margot, go to www.cwg.org and click on Contribute.  All donations to our Not for Profit Foundation are tax deductible.  Please check with your tax preparer for more information. 


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