A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch:

I was beginning to not want to read any more new age and spiritual books. My searching, prayers, etc. were getting me nowhere. But I enjoyed
CwG Book 1 through my laughter and tears. I don't understand, "If you look at something, it will disappear." Please explain. My whole life is crap I'd like to make disappear. I've had unbearable health problems for 23 years. I've always had health problems. I don't have medical insurance, so I stay home and suffer. If you do healings, help me, please.

Love and blessing,

Ruth, CA. 

Neale Responds

My dear Ruth,

This quote, "What you resist persists. What you look at disappears" is found on page 100 of CwG Book 1 . Read the section which begins on that page over again, Ruth, because I believe it gives a pretty good explanation of how and why "what you resist persists" is true.

"What you look at disappears"--the second part of that statement--means that what you look square in the face ceases to have its illusory form. Anyone who has looked fear in the face and walked away from it unharmed understands this saying very well. Similarly, people look at pain and make it disappear, too, simply by looking at it. That is to say, by examining it, exploring it, owning it and not trying to resist it.

The act of resisting something can only make it stronger. The man in the dentist's office holding onto the arms of the chair for dear life can tell you that. The man who gets into the chair, sinks into the pain, flows with it, goes with it, looks at it and just acknowledges it and gives it no more power than it actually has, discovers that he can reduce, often eliminate, pain with astonishing ease. Mothers in childbirth who have been trained in the Lamaze method do this all the time.

Looking at something, anything, robs it of its imagined bigness, toughness, painfulness, and reduces it to a mere shadow of its former self. Indeed, masters can eliminate any unwanted experience.

I am sorry that you have experienced ill health for so very long. Still, I would encourage you not to resist this. Notice that you brought this to yourself (at a higher level, you made this decision). Give thanks and be glad, for you have produced the right and perfect conditions in which to create and experience the next highest version of Who You Really Are.

There is much more to say about all of this, Ruth, but let me summarize our brief interaction with this: Own your illness. Embrace your sickness. Love it to pieces. Indeed, love it to death. You may not be able to erase the actual condition, but I can tell you for a certainty that you have it within your power to experience the condition in a new way; in a way which is not a trial and a tribulation, but an opportunity. Christopher Reeve, the actor who got thrown from the horse, was a living, breathing example of exactly what I am talking about. You can do the same, Ruth. You don't have to. No one is going to require you to. But you can.

with love,


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