A Letter to Neale

Hi, Mr. Walsch...

I have read and been taught by metaphysical teachers that Karma plays a large part in the life we choose and the physical body we have chosen to live and experience our lessons through. Sometimes people are born blind or without limbs or other disfigurements because of some act they have done in the past to others to cause them to be blinded or lose limbs etc.

 God says people act and do the things they do based on their view of their world, so is there no right or wrong with regard to actions? How can it only be a case of what works and what doesn't ?   Is there no payment for such actions?  

What about Hitler or other leaders who have done incredibly cruel and inhumane things to their fellow human beings? Or people who batter other people, or murder wives and children? Do they just pass from their bodies, join the All that is, and that's it???  

It sounds as though no one does anything wrong, given their view of the world.   How does it all even out? Can anyone do anything to anybody else without some form of 'punishment' or retribution?  

And I use those words because I can't think of any other words right now. I probably should pose the question as: can anyone do anything to anyone without some form of lessons in life to be learned?  I thank you for taking the time to read my letter to you and am looking forward to a response.

With love and light,

Rachel , CA 


Neale Responds

Dear Rachel...

You have asked a number of very important questions. They are important because one's whole theology rests on the answers.

Rachel, one either believes in a damning, condemning, punishing God, or one doesn't. I do not.

I do not believe in that kind of God because God himself told me that these ideas are false. She said that they are among the Ten Illusions of Humans. These illusions are discussed with very wonderful clarity in Communion with God , a book that I highly recommend that you read.

Two of the Ten Illusions of Humans are:

Judgment exists.

Condemnation exists.

These ideas are man-made. No such constructions exist in the mind of God. That is because these ideas about God arise out of a basic misunderstanding found in an earlier idea about God, which is that God is separate from us.   (Disunity exists.)

If God was not separate from us, God could not judge us because, of course, God would be judging herself. If God was not separate from us, God could not condemn us, because, again, God would be condemning himself.

Even if God was separate from us, God would have no reason to punish us unless there was something specific that God demanded that we do or not do. This, too, is an illusion. (Requirement exists.)

The last illusion is based on an even earlier idea that the reason God has placed requirements on us is that God needs something from us in order to be happy. (Need exists.)

Nothing could be further from the truth. God requires nothing of us. For more on this concept, you may find it helpful to re-read The New Revelations.   And you may wish to read it again, because it makes it very clear that God needs nothing from humanity. A "needy" God is just not part of the Cosmic Reality.

I realize that it is difficult for many people to embrace the idea of a God who needs nothing from us and wants nothing from us, but that is because they insist on seeing God as a separate being having human qualities. A being not only separate from us, but also a being who can actually experience being unhappy, and who becomes unhappy if he doesn't get what he wants.

Such a God is not a God at all, but a mere tiny and limited version of the Creator of the Universe and the Source of All Life. If that is the limit of our imagination about God, I would say that we have a long way to go before we can claim to truly understand who and what God is.

You ask, Rachel, about karma. Yes, God has spoken of karma in the CwG series of books. God says that karma as we classically understand it does not exist. That is, there is not in place in God's kingdom a system of Reward and Punishment that plays out its effects as Conditions of our Life from one lifetime to the next.

What there IS is a system called, in human terms, the Cosmic Wheel. This is a simple name given to the Process of Life itself. It is meant to indicate that all of Life is a cycle, or a wheel, on which we find and place ourselves. The purpose of going "round and round" on the wheel is to experience and re-experience the entire Life cycle, thus to know and create again and again Who You Really Are. For there is no greater joy and no greater glory and no greater wonder, and thus, no greater pleasure for God.

Life is God's great pleasure.

You have spoken of the cruel actions people take in life, and have asked, "How can it only be a case of what works and what doesn't ?   Is there no payment for such actions? What about Hitler or other leaders who have done incredibly cruel and inhumane things to their fellow human beings? Or people who batter other people, or murder wives and children? Do they just pass from their bodies, join the All that is, and that's it???"

CwG says that Hitler went to heaven. This does not mean that the soul of Hitler did not experience the consequence of Hitler's actions. It does mean that those consequences, once experienced, produce growth, not eternal punishment--and growth is the highest outcome of Life itself. It is, in short, heaven.

There is no punishment in God's kingdom, but there are consequences. That is, things that happen as a result of other things. But this system is not a process of "pay back" of "karmic debt." It is simply the way the process of Life Itself works. Outcomes are the result of out puts .

Rachel, you have asked, "Can anyone do anything to anyone without some form of lessons in life to be learned?" CwG indicates that in life, there is nothing to be learned. There is only a process of remembering. It is through remembering that we reclaim, and become once again, Who We Really Are.

At the moment of our death, we experience what eastern mystics call kama loca. This is a movement of the soul through every moment of the life just lived, but from the viewpoint of every person who was impacted or affected by that soul's choices and decisions and actions. In other words, we have the opportunity to experience how other people experienced us.

From this will come enormous growth. And growth is both the purpose and the process of Life.

many blessings,


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