A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale, Everywhere I look I see people exhibiting behaviors that are destroying our planet...yet they seem to have no awareness of the consequences of their actions. What is this about, do you think? Are people really that uncaring?
GWM, Houston, TX.

Neale Responds

No, I do not believe that people, at their basis, are uncaring. But there is another condition at play here. I believe it is as it was written in Communion with God...

Many humans continue to see themselves as separate from each other, from all other aspects of life, and from God. They see themselves destroying themselves, yet they claim to not understand how they are doing it. Surely, they say, it is not through their individual actions, because those individual decisions and choices do not seem to be having any negative effect on anything, and certainly not the world at large.

These are the beliefs of many, and it is up to you, who truly understand cause and effect, to change them, if you wish to see them changed. For many of your fellow humans believe that it is having no negative effect on The Whole to be cutting down hundreds of thousands of trees each week so that they can have their Sunday paper.

It is having no negative effect on The Whole to be pumping impurities of every sort into the atmosphere so that they can have their life styles unchanged.

It is having no negative effect on The Whole to be using fossil fuels rather than solar-powered energy.

It is having no negative effect, they say, and they're tired of people telling them that it is.

It is having no negative effect on The Whole to be smoking cigarettes, or eating red meat at every meal, or consuming large quantities of alcohol, and they're tired of people telling them that it is.

Individual human behaviors, they tell themselves, are not having such a negative effect on The Whole that they could actually cause The Whole to collapse. This would only be possible if there was nothing that was separate — if, in effect, The Whole was doing all of this to Itself. And that is silly, they say. THE THIRD ILLUSION is what is true. We are separate.

Still, the separate actions of all the separate beings who are not one with each other, and not one with all of life, seem, in fact, to have a very real affect on Life Itself. This is something that, now at last, more and more humans are beginning to acknowledge as they climb out of primitive cultural thinking and into a more evolved society.

Sending Pure Love,


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