A Letter to Neale: Can we override the soulā€™s agenda?

Reader question:

Dear Neale, Thank you so much for your books and your online CWG course that I really enjoyed. You have filled my soul with the answers to the questions that were driving me to despair and I am truly grateful.

I now am confused with the soul's agenda vs personal creation. You have said the soul's agenda is always being met so where does personal creation come in to it, are we creating our reality with thought words and action or does the souls agenda always over ride what we choose to experience.

You have said we are co-creators and we can create and have the life of our dreams but then say we should be happy and accept the way life is showing up for us but if we are not we can choose again. What would be the point of creating our own experience if the soul's agenda is not in line with what we are creating? Personal creation would not override our soul's agenda, Please help. I am very confused on this matter. Yours faithfully, Caroline :)


Neale Responds:

My good friend...You have asked a wonderful question! And I believe I have a wonderful answer. You have asked: "What would be the point of creating our own experience if the soul's agenda is not in line with what we are creating?" My answer is: Do whatever you can to make sure that what you are creating is in line with your Soul's Agenda!"

My book titled The Only Thing That Matters discusses this exact thing. We are here on this planet to fulfill the Agenda of the Soul, but 98% of the people are spending 98% of their time doing everything else BUT. And there is a good reason for this: most people do not know what the Agenda of the Soul IS. This book explains that in detail.

Now, to answer your specific question more directly, your Soul does not "override" what you choose to experience if your choices differ from the Agenda of the Soul...but your Soul will seek to gently and sweetly redirect your attention to Its agenda---and it will do that through the events of your life, which you are co-creating with other Souls. 

You have asked, "What would be the point of creating our own experience if the soul's agenda is not in line with what we are creating?", and I would turn that question around and ask, "What would be the point of creating an experience that is not in line with the Soul's Agenda?" What would be the point of doing that? Wouldn't that be just a waste of time?

If you wish to learn more about the CWG point of view regarding your real reason for being on the Earth, you may wish to read The Only Thing That Matters. I believe that you will find it a rich and rewarding resource.

Love and hugs,


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